Order 1650543
Did not orde

Internet & Web

I order a trial sample but was not interested in the product. Without my approval this company has sent me a bottle or the acai pure and a bill for $44.90 that has been charged to my visa without my approval. I want credit for this. I did not order it. Thank you.

Company: Order 1650543
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
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Communications Publishing
Ripoff send the money but you don't get the books

Ripoff ripoff fraud business

Ripoff swindle

Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc
Over charged

Deer Creek Products
Ripoff Ordered product 3 times giving my Visa #. Have not received product but now have 2 charges by another company for this product fraudulent ripoff business

USA Gold Credit Card Co
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Central Coast Neutraceuticals, Inc
Rcceiving merchandise I did not order and being charged

Perfermance Health.com
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Acai Pure Life
Want to lose money, try Acai Pure Life, money is the only thing you will lose