Alyon Technologies
Ripoff deceptive company

Internet & Web

I unwittingly became aware that a minor/family member had been accessing their website when suppose to be doing homework research. I have since fixed this mistake with him. But Alyon, thinks they are going to collect the sum of almost $1000.00 from me for his access to their website. They also stated that I must give them the name of the minor who was using their site, I think not, you (censored) bastards, why, so you can continue to harrass minors who illegally access their site, I think not.

I have filed complaints with "everyone!" Coincidentally, A Det. Cheek from the Gwinnett County Police Dept. Said he physically investigated their facilities, due to the complaints from the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, and said he saw nothing that appeared illegal. I became very irrate. I sent him the info from the FTC website about the other similar crimes. If the FTC files charges, then there is a crime, I don't know why he made his comments, I still haven't heard from him since mailing, and emailing all the information.

This fraud is not new, and will continue to be a problem, due in part, to the spineless politicians that we have elected to office. So go ahead, keep voting for them! Oh, by the way, go ahead and OK another raise for them, while congress considers doing-away with your right to discharge credit card and other debts (some fraud) from chapter seven bk. You haven't heard of this because of the big big big money being thrown their way by many many cc/automotve/& other businesses that offer credit terms to the public.

As for Alyon Tech, they will not see a dime from me, the only correspondece they will get, if they continue with this, is a subpoena from my local courthouse for a civil complaint.

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Phone: 8003790239
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Alyon Technologies
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Alyon Technologies
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