America Online
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud internet

Internet & Web

I have gotten a new ISP and I called today to cancell my AOL account, just to find out that the bill was already sent and I could either get free months or pay it.

Well the guy I was talking to at AOL said that it was billed out today. I asked him if they could refund it since I haven't used AOL in several days now. Yopu guessed it... The answer was "sorry sir we can't do that".

I asked to speak with his supervisor. Well I waited on hold for about ten minutes and guess what? Somewhat of the same answer came from him.

He said that he could give me 2 free months on my account and there was a 50% chance that it would clear the month they billed today then I could call back in March to cancell. Well I politley told him that I don't take chances and that I wasn't going to have to remember to call back in March to cancell.

He said that they couldn't refund it because it hadn't been actually billed but it was in the process of being billed and there wasn't anyway he could access it. I told him to do what he had to do, but that I wasn't going to get more free months when I don't even have AOL anymore.

I also told him that if the monthly bill comes out of my checking account that I would never be back to AOL again. And it really didn't seem to bother him.

The catch is he give me a cancellation confirmation #, but if it hasn't actually been billed yet when it does clear my bank, I will have a confirmation # of cancellation from the dates before my account is charged.

AOL is a RIPOFF and commits Fraud just about every day. You can go to and type in anything about AOL and find letters and letters off ticked off consumers that got RIPPED OFF.

Company: America Online
Country: USA
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