TAG The Answer Group
Tech and phone support

Internet & Web

Ok... My problem is, after I left, my team leader did not see to it that my next to last check was mailed on the same same day as the checks arrived UPS.

I was expecting that it was. And based on geography, it should have taken a max of 2 days to go from their local PO to mine.

Before I left, I gave my PO box to my TL.

Then, when he called me or I called him, the following wed. Regarding my check, he asked me about my mailing address. Even though I gave it to him before I left.

When I left, I had my discharge papers with me; apparently, I was not supposed to. He was supposed to give them to HR.

So, apparently, he could get fired for that. They are pretty tight on security.

The TL said he gave my check to the front office, with my PO address on it, and it was mailed on Wed or Thur.

That was a week ago.

I have a home address. But I don't want my mail going there; I have too much mags and other stuiff being delivered on a regular basis.

When I lived in up north, it did take about 15 days for my previous landlords' rent deposit check to go about the same distance, as from Margate to my current PO. It does happen, but based on my time in S FLA, it has been rare. Certain eBay items took less time, to go a similar distance.

When you leave them, your last check (s) will be mailed to you, if you did not set up direct deposit.

But what if you don't trust the banking system?

Well, the bad news is you will have to trust the PO instead.

It seems like it would not be a big deal to have your check waiting for you, at the front building, where you go for your first interview.

But they don't work that way.

So you trust the banking system. Or USPS.

With your money and your w-2.

Company: TAG The Answer Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: North Lauderdale
Address: 7562 Southgate Blvd
Phone: 9547204000
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