Grant Resoure Guide
Very misleading site that leads to unauthorized charges, will join efforts for class action law suit

Internet & Web

I read fully and carefully all website info before I do anything on-line, this is the first time I have been taken advantage of and as I read up on this company I find much info stating others were defrauded as well.

I ordered a disc for the shipping cost only of $2.95 on 09-08-08 and on 10-12-08 a charge of $58.61 showed up on my account. I called the company and they said there was a disclaimer that said it had to be cancelled within 7 days, but that is not what it said at the time, it seemed to be referring to the shipping charge, not setting up an account, I had printed that page but Hurricane Ike disorganization has prevented me from finding it so far, (but I will soon) they said they could do nothing and when I told them I would just send it to the state atty. Gen. They said they could give me back $30.00 only and would cancel the account. I agreed at the time because I thought something is better than nothing, but as I read up on these guys it appears this is a pretty prosperous scam for them, they keep at least half.

I am going to send e-mails and add my name to any class action suits I can find, and file the first complaints I have ever filed. I will be filing with as well and any other advocacy groups I can find. Being careful does not always protect us and we as consumers should not stand for thieves because it's only a few dollars and it's a lot of trouble and only another lesson learned.

Fresno, Texas

Company: Grant Resoure Guide
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 5348 Vegas Drive, Suite 866
Phone: 8663545541
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Grant Guide - Grant Instructers
They Got Me Too
Will empty your bank account! Do not sign up!

Acai Berry Breeze And Colon Cleanse 3000
Fraud and Deceptive Advertisting / False claims, Charged $83.95 for "FREE" product

Irwin Naturals - Klee Irwin Health Products
Do not order from this company - and don't give credit card info for sure

Grant Masters / / Online Market System
GRANT MASTERS - BLAZINGKEYWORDS ONE IN THE SAME are illegally charging my account! Your Guess Is As Good As Mine


Easy Feet
No company name given anwhere on site, no address, ect. Feds need to shut these rip off artists down

Grant Research Guide
This company is usinga scam tactic and will not refund money they collect from the victim in the process. A class action suite is in line for this outfit and reporting them to the Federal Government. 5348 Vegas Drive, Ste 866

Fairbanks - SPS
Fairbanks Aka SPS ripoff!

AOL Travelers Advantage - Trilegiant Corporation
AOL fradulent billing, unauthorized deductions from checking account