Comp Usa
By Not honerning there 2 year TAP contract just hardware fail no software, needs work on comp oregon

Internet & Web

When I bought the computer from compusa on 04/01, When I got home a few days later in the news paper Compusa had closed its stores in wa. Now i have to drive 155 miles to get it repaired. But Now I dont have anyplace and when I called there thch line i was told they will only repair hardware no software. I am in need of a battery now and was to go to a web site and was informed thatI could send in old battery and they would send a new one back out within 10 days and THEY WERE NOT RESPONSABLE FOR missing or LOST packages I asked the rep WTF. So I am wondering if I will get any work done now and after paying out 300.00 for there priemnum serviices is a joke. Need help'

Company: Comp Usa
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
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