Ripoff killed my account all my photos are gone

Internet & Web

I tried to log on to my AOL account and it kicked me off, telling me to contact Member Services. When I did that, the woman I spoke to wanted the "billing" address on my account. Since I've had my account for 7 years and moved to my current address 5 years ago, I didn't have the street address of my old house.

I had the city, state, zip code, street name, the credit card number my account is billed to - I had EVERYTHING except the street address of my old house. So the representative cancelled my AOL account - an account that I've had for 7 years. I sent them several emails, asking for an explanation, and haven't heard a word back. This just happened two weeks ago so I don't know yet if they will try to keep billing me. If they do, I'm going to sue them for everything I can get.

I have no idea why I couldn't log on in the first place - my account was automatically billed to my credit card, which was fine. Now I've lost ALL of my pictures that I had stored in my online photo albums.

I am infuriated and will NEVER use these a$holes again! I hope MSN puts them out of business. GRRRRRRR!!! Not that those jerks care about losing a customer - I think we can safely say that they could give a $hit about their customers if they'd rather cancel my account because I didn't know a 5 year old address!!!

Company: Aol
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Herndon
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