Dell Financial
Cust ser RUDE and Dell products a RIPOFF

Internet & Web

I purchased a dell laptop back in through dell financial, I've made my payments on time everytime until recently, i just went through a divorce and my income has taken a pretty deep nose dive. Well, i have fallen behind for 2 months so, i contact dell, because silly me, i assume there is something they can do for me, some kind of extension, NOPE, well, to say the least, I have spoken to SOOOOO many people and finally today i woke up and first thing i thought was, "I'm getting something done about this TODAY" I called and the first lady pretty much told me the same thing everyone else has, "no extension, but you can make a payment" OMG!!! R u serious??? Yea, pull them out of their script and its hilarious, they dont know what to say kekeke anyway, I call a second time, WOW its an american! Well, i explain my situation to him and before he starts his explanation on why he cannot do anything for me, he says " I know you want a get out of jail free card" WOW, I CANT BELIEVE i was talked to like that, with tear filled eyes, i just hung up the phone. That hurt, I know its not their fault i went through a divorce and i am still liable for the account, its in my name. But to talk to someone like that is unbelievable, I'm serioulsy tired of paying on this dinasour, oh and my account started out at 1200 and 2 months late bring it all the way up to 1900!!!

You know what, I'm tired, I'm seriously considering just taking the hit on my credit and changing my phone number!!! Oh and by the way, they some how got my mothers cell phone number! And were calling her!!! Dell, may a class action suit be slapped upon you!!! I may not be eligible to be involved, but i dont care! This needs to stop and i think dell should just pack it and never show their face again!!! I love apple!!! Yea, thats a good idea, stop paying dell and use that for an apple!

Company: Dell Financial
Country: USA
Phone: 8666083355
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