Every Contractor.com
Every contractor.com liars, theives, bait and switch, fraudulant practices

Internet & Web

I was contacted by Every Contractor.com yesterday they said they had a job in my area and needed a contractor. Then they went into this sales pitch and tryed to get me to pay 1,000.00 for a year membership I told them I would think about it. Then he went into this long explanation on how they need a contractor right now to fulfill the costomers needs and that he would take five hundred dollars of the start up fee. I said I would have to think it over and do some research on there company. He said he woul call back in the afternoon becuase they had to give this so called customer a contractor today. I said fine I then went to The Ripp Off Report and found two complaints, so when he called I told him what I had found and that I was not interested. He would not take no for an answer so i JUST HUNG UP.

Today I recieved a call it was a women that said her suppervisor gave her paperwork to call me and offer one year for free with no contract. So I agreed to it after all what do I have to lose right? WRONG they told me after all this it would cost me 75.00 to do a background check that would consist of only one thing and that was that I have never took anyones money and not came back. Like a Dumb a_ _ I agreed to it only because they said they were a member of the BBB.

They Got My Money then I went on line to check them out with the BBB they have hundreds of complaints and are not a member They are also being investigated by the BBB for fruadulantly using there name and now I had to put a stop payment on my check that cost me $30.00 because they said there suppervisors is in a meeting and there are no refunds or any way to stop my account from getting set up wich by the way this wasnt even done yet when I called to cancle.

TO TOP IT ALL OFF you cant even find Every Contractor.com unless you type in those exact words they said they were the first on the google search when there not even there at all. Take my addvise and keep your money this is a REAL SCAM!!

Company: Every Contractor.com
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Phone: 8883260653
Site: everycontractor.com
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