Terrible customer service

Internet & Web

Actually get named "silly" with a customer solutions representative? I did so. He believed I had been on-hold and stated it obviously! Its poor enough the item is aged and aging quicker than a vine selected tomato but please... I used too many hours getting berated by my superiors and anticipate some extent of empathy from my company! But perhaps that expectancy does make me "silly."

Regardless, my company is certainly going elsewhere today. You will find too many VDR companies that actually worry about their customers and not simply about investment or income or whichever is certainly going on the website. Pity on the business that requires these customers that created them without any consideration. Well you know what people... Not on my view or my offers anymore!

More advice... Discover another VDR company to work well with. One which truly cares about support and engineering and less about themselves. Obtain fresh management people or I'm going to be studying about you available obits!!

Company: IntraLinks
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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