Hewlett Packard
Media Cente

Internet & Web

I purchased an HP Media Center computer 18 months ago. I was in love with the computer for a long time. It crashed on me last week in the middle of studying for my boards. I immediately contacted HP who told me that there would be a flat rate of $250 to fix the computer. I was told that it was likely the motherboard. I told HP that I would like it looked at in person to determine if the repair was something minor. The next day, I had a local shop diagnose the problem as a faulty motherboard. I then received the same price quote. Thinking that HP would stand behind their work and have around the clock service, I called HP back to arrange for pickup. I was then told that the repairs would cost a minimum of $250 plus parts and tax, etc. I was offered the "much better option" of purchasing a new computer with "double specs" for "around 300 dollars."

Yeah, right. She reeled me into listening about the fantastic things on this $300 system until I heard a "final price" of $500 plus upgrades. UPGRADES!!! Are you kidding? So the rep then tells me that the first price was a base model and isn't really a good system. So I ask for a manager who tells me that I misunderstood the rep. It is clear that no one to this point is an english speaking native. After another 30 minutes of going back and forth and hearing that I should have purchased the extended warranty, I got off the phone to cool off.

The next morning, I called and tried to resolve this. I heard the same advice again-to just buy a new system. I get off the phone thinking that HP has to know that they are selling systems that are flawed because I have seen several customers complain online that they are not getting adequate systems or customer service. I get online at the corporate website. The CEO has a webpage and there is a section that allows the consumer to e-mail the CEO. I proceed to let him know how displeased I am with the service I received. Within two hours I get a call back from HP to "resolve this issue." I essentially get referred to a case manager, "Michael", who tells me I should just buy a new system and searches online for motherboards off of Ebay that I might be able to do-it-myself with. Anyway, the gist of the conversation is "shame on you for not buying the extended warranty." Well, can somebody tell me why I spent all of this money on a system that I can't use 18 months after purchase? Is HP in the habit of making piece of * equipment that holds on until the expiration of the warranty? I can honestly say that this entire experience makes me wish I didn't have a house full of HP computers, printers, cameras, etc.

I will never buy another HP item again! I advise anyone who is in the market to buy a computer to stay away from HP, especially if you want technical support/customer service from someone who speaks english. As for my exam, HP has ruined weeks of study time for me. I hope I still can pass without all of the information I lost on the computer. What is sad is that I just wanted my computer repaired for the original price I was quoted.

Company: Hewlett Packard
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palo Alto
Site: www.hp.com
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