Tiger Direct
Non Response to Saftey or Injuries after products caught fire within days of orde

Internet & Web

I ordered 2 M501-1182 Sabrent 3.5" USB 2.0 to IDE/PATA External Aluminum Hard Drive Enclosure Case Black
MPN: ECS-U35K $19.99 $39.9.

The order was placed on March 11th. I got the order promptly.

However within 3 weeks one unit actually caught fire. No joke. I called to Tiger Direct and the guy told me "that hardly ever happens" and someone would call me back since I was concerned about a safety problem.

Well 6 days later the second unit caught fire. This time I was not sitting at my desk, so by time I saw it, my desk had flames on it.

Once again I called Tiger Direct. The guy tells me to wait and someone will contact me.

Then they sent me another manufactures unit to replace one of the enclosures.

No mention of the fire or my burnt fingers. No replacements for the two (2) 250 Gig Hard Drives that burnt with the enclosures.

By the way, no call ever from them about the Safety Issue.

The only response I can get is "They don't make the products, They only sell them, so they are not responsible".

You tell me, who is responsible for your safety when you buy something from them? What if I had been asleep when this happened?

They never offered a refund, even though the first item on my reciept is a "ASSURZ Satisfaction Guarantee".

I just think that if one fails, oh well, but when two fail within days, then perhaps there is a product safety issue that the public should be made aware of, but I guess Tiger Direct does not.

Check my history with them, it is not short, but I think I will rethink my future with a company that does not care about the consumer.

By the way, Roger, I am still waiting for that promised call.

Company: Tiger Direct
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Phone: 8008884437
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