Wire transferred money to them and produce was never delivered

Internet & Web

Ordered a Nikon D300 camera from electronicscult.com and wire transferred the money to the address requested and never heard from them again. No doubt a scam of which i fell for..

Company: Electronicscult.com
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Beach
Address: 01 Clematis Street, W. Palm Beach, Florida
Phone: 5612834527
  <     >  


I purchase 2 laptop hp from electocscult and i semd the money but they dint send me nothing is 1242 dolars rome italy amd west palm beach italy amd florida

Eusebio Callegi, William Twitchell, David Taher, Michael Dobson scam didn't deliver laptop wire transfer Western Union Flavio Stanfa

Paid for 2 gps with western union to italy and never received items for 844.00 dollars Italy france

Nikon D300 reviewed by me - D300 camera

Closeout Digital
Consumer Report

Ticketbravo. Eu A scam company that asks you to wire them money from stolen bank accounts that is transferred into yours

Gray Market camera

Pyxis Camera
Gray Market camera

Camera shop on 5th Ave in New York
The shop is just a couple doors from 42 Photo on 5th Ave in New York. It charged me $800 for a Nikon D90 body and $60 for a HP 8GB memory. Note they didn't give me other kits, just a camera body. The

Close Out Genius SL Genius Camcorder Genius Navi Genius Projector Genius Plasma Genius Receiver Geni
Close Out Genius Manager Jason Michaelson RIP OFF Bait and Switch Black Market BUYER Beware!