Alyon Technologies
Pornographic material access to ANYONE including minors without a credit card

Internet & Web

Alyon Technologies billed my phone number for the amount of approx. $162.00. I was billed by my home phone number, a number
I have a 900 and 976 block on.

No adults in this home entered their website.
According to a person at the company someone here had made a conscience choice between entering or not entering the 'adult' content site.

How was a person able to do this I asked?
It appears you can get into the web site without proper adult identification and without any form of 'credit'. It is called a NOCREDIT website.

The Alyon bill states the invoice represents charges for 'Pay Per Use Internet Access to Prorietary Content as an Entertainment Fee made via a 900 or direct dial number dialed by a computer modem from this phone number'.

I have to infer that this company is deceptive and is targeting persons who do not have the means to pay. I believe one of the groups they are targeting are minors.

I have disputed the charges from Alyon Technologies.
I have had a 900 and 976 block on my phone line for years through Pacific Bell yet they were able to hijack my phone number and allow it to be used to get to their web services.

I was billed based on my phone number, through the internet. The person I spoke to at Alyon said someone here had to hit the specific prompt in order for them to get into the site.
Alyon blamed me because I did not have stricter settings on my computer.

This was an intentional act on the part of Alyon Technologies of Norcross, Georgia to change my phone carrier to a Guninea Bissau (245) controlled number. It appears this was done by them installing a program into my computer allowing them to disconnect my internet carrier then dial to their number using a Trojan horse type Virus.

I want Alyon Technologies to drop all charges and be fined according to Federal Trade Commission laws and guidelines.

Alyon needs to be shut down.

This company defies ethical and moral standards by allowing children access to their adult materials.

On November 26 the FTC (1-877-382-4357 or http://www.ftc. Gov) released to the public a decision about the same type of practice against Integretel, Inc. And eBillit, Inc for $1.8 million dollars.

Go to http://www.ftc. Gov/opa/11/integretel.htm to read the document.

I am asking that more people come forward and complain to their Attorney General and to the Federal Trade Commission.

Company: Alyon Technologies
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Norcross
Address: Norcross, GA 30010-3299
Phone: 8003790239
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Alyon Technologies
Makes it so easy for minors to access porn sites

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Alyon Technologies
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Alyon Technologies
Rip-off fraudulent billing Norcross Georgia

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Alyon Technologies
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Alyon Technologies, Inc
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Alyon Technologies
Rip-off (censored) Norcross Georgia

Alyon Technologies
Alyon Tecnologies Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing dishonest ripoffs