Hermeris Inc. - Federalpapers.com
Charged me $128 for a free federal EIN and $350 to file a $25 assumed business name!

Internet & Web

I recently started my own painting company and although I'm great at the labor side of my work I'm truly a beginner when it comes to the paperwork end of the business. I was wrong to think that the internet would be an easy way to take care of some of the things I needed to get done. Little did I know that there was a company out there that charges ridiculous fees to file paperwork that the government does for a minimal fee or even free!

I failed to see the fine print at the bottom of the screen with the name Hermeris Inc. Had I seen it I would have not even gone through with the transaction. Maybe I am too naive but until I got my information in the mail with their name on the cover letter I didn't even realize that it was a company not associated with the government.

Basically they charged me $128 to obtain a federal EIN number which I now find out is free. Then I also was thinking I was saving time by getting my assumed name filed at the same time. This was $350 and after emailing the secretary of state find out is only a $25 filing fee!

I also could have spent $50 on a rush delivery of the number. It claimed to offer 24hr delivery but I got the number that fast without paying the extra fee anyway!

Conveniently there is no number to call. I am waiting to see if a response will come to my email and fax complaint and demand of a refund

Company: Hermeris Inc. - Federalpapers.com
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Address: 4049 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 100
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www.gov-tax.com, Federalpapers.com, Hermeris.com
Www.gov-tax.com, www.federalpapers.com, www.hermeris.com Charges $128 for EIN Number which can be obtained from IRS for FREE!

Simple Filings
Hermeris corporation Charged me 187.00 for a tax id number, I already had a number, wouldnt refund me, would allow me to talk to anyone higher up

Hermeris, Inc I went on google to get tax ID # and could not find a search button. I put in ss4 and found Hermeris taxID sight. Easy form to use. I was not sure if there would be a fee. They charged $128 plus $50

HR Block
Extra Fee

Federalpapers.com - Heremis
Federal Papers.com - Heremis Inc Deceptive Company Poses as Federal Website

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