Sold me a defective web site

Internet & Web

From the shear number of negative reports I have seen regarding Dropshipdesign.com it appears as if this company lacks any form of ethics and may well be guilty of fraud.

My case is simple— my new website is defective (supersavergifts.com). I will leave it on-line for anybody to view.

The search does not work, the site is too slow and the prices are non-competitive. I would stand about as much chance as a snow-ball in hell trying to make a profit with this piece of junk.in addition I have no way to verify price margins (a reasonably essential marketing element).

I intend to make Dropshipdesign.com refund my money or face exposure on the Internet using an aggressive ad campaign. If enough people will join me I believe we can attract media attention and maybe get our money back... Providing Dropshipdesign.com does not go bankrupt in the process.

If you are a victim of Dropshipdesign.com please contact me and together we will try our best to put this low-down, worthless company out of business.
I am even willing to post a discussion board whereby we can plan the best course action. Whatever this action turns out to be EXPOSURE will be the key word we focus.

If anybody has employee names, phone numbers, list of owners or any other information regarding Dropshipdesign.com I would appreciate such information and will promise to post this information as soon as it becomes available.

Roswell, New Mexico

Company: DropShipDesign.com
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Mill Creek
Address: 16212 Bothell Everett Hwy, Ste F279
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Con Artiist Rip Off dropshipdesign.com

Dropshipdesign.com-. onlinestorebiz.com
Dropshipdesign.com-onlinestorebiz.com Scammers all the way

Ripoff dropship design dropshipdesign.com scam rip-off

Dropshipdesign.com / Dropshiponauction.com
Dropshipdesign.com, Dropshiponauction.com liars ripoff beware Washington

NetDropShippe & DropShipDesign
NetDropShipper & DropShipDesign ripoff stating items have shipped when have not, charged cc before items shipped, charged 2 day express did not ship, to date over $800.00 in order up to 11 days old 0.00 shipped, suppose to ship 24-48 hrs

Dropshipdesign.com, Dropshiponauction.com
No business contact information listed, charged me $29.99 for refund



Dropshipdesign. comn
Dropshipdesign.com ripoff Internet

Theft of comission, deceptive practices