AP9 Shopping Essentials - Fraud Alert
Unauthorized charges to my credit card Internet Conneticut

Internet & Web

I just received my credit card bill and noticed that there were two charges that I had not authorized. I spoke to my husband (the card is in his name) and he had not made any charges as well.

I decided to check on the company by using Google.com. The first thing I saw was a report filed on this site, so I thought I'd check it out. Turns out... We are not the only ones this company has fraudulently charged. Whether it be from classmates.com, Restaurant.com, Pyramidcollections.com, this company has connections, in my opinion. When you sign up or purchase something from these sites, your information is given to AP9 Shopping Essentials... Along with your credit card info... Even though they tell you your information is private.

I will be contacting my credit card company to dispute the charges.

Company: AP9 Shopping Essentials - Fraud Alert
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Conneticut
Phone: 8889990564
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