AEC FBO Platinum Membership
Scam charges on my checking account!

Internet & Web

I was charged 14.95/ month. I feel like an idiot because I was not paying close enough attention. I will from now on. The company said it will refund the current months charges but as far as the rest "too bad." I am just the least bit upset. I guess this teaches me a lesson. Pay closer attention to ALL charges on my accounts. I usually don't notice unless it is a bigger amount. I do think though that this did add up over time. I am disappointed in companies that scam people like this and I am disappointed in myself for not paying closer attention to detail.

Company: AEC FBO Platinum Membership
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Sparks
Phone: 8663649088
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Consumer Report

AEC FBO Platinum Membership

Privacy Matters
Unauthorized charges

Maximum Platinum
National Platinum Unauthorized charges to bank account

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