AP9passporttofun, Ap9Dealmax-V 80
Charged my Chking 2x 29.95 causing 2 overdrafts 20.00 each, I have never signed up or gave this company any info

Internet & Web

This company I never heard of until I got 2 bank statements. Totaling $87.65 including over drafts. Charging me 2x's 29.95.

I have never signed up or want too, the statements I have only say AP9*PASSPORTTOFU and AP9*DEALMAX-V 80.

I have no other info. I got this off the computer.
I am contacting my bank today.

I am on disability. I have no extra monies to pay this please help.

Company: AP9passporttofun, Ap9Dealmax-V 80
Country: USA
Site: passporttofun.com
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Ap9 Dealmax-v
They said I got this over the internet. I did'nt want this and now they will not quit taking money out of account. I am going to have to close my account and get a new one. I am on disability and on an limited income.internet

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This company deducted money from my account

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