I never completed or graduated from BCTI, but they charged me for the full program & lied to me. I also never got a job through them, like they said that I would

Internet & Web

I went to BCTI in because I was told that after completing their program, they will assist me with job placement in my career that I went for.

Not only did I not complete or graduate from their course, I also got charged the full program price and never got any kind of job in my career, but was forced to go back to work at a fast food restaurant, making minimum wage and paying for the program that I never completed and which did not teach me anything meaningful towards my future jobs like they promised.

When I went for a presentation in Clark College about BCTI, I was told this program course would be free for refugees and it would be a good start towards my career and job placement considering the fact that I had only been in the U.S. For a very short period of time and did not speak, read or write any English.

Vancouver, WA

Company: Bcti
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Vancouver
Address: Vancouver, WA
Phone: 8779038367
  <     >  


Business Computer Training Institute
BCTI ripoff Does not provide any relevant training or placement that you cold not get from a $5 CD-Rom

Businees Computer Training Institute
B.C.T.I., ripoff outstanding loan no employment

BIG RIPOFF I went to bcti in 1994 in Vancouver WA and was never placed in a job to do with computers by them

Business Computer Training Institute Recruited me at the Unemployment Department, signed me up for student loans and have now apparently vanished into the night

Ripped off like everyone else who attended BCTI

Business Computer Training Institute
BCTI $10,000 rip-off of minorities

BCTI (Business Computer Training Institute)
I attended this institute in 2000. I am now re-enrolling in college to further my training. I have to borrow more money to get the proper training and I am still paying on my student loan from BCTI

BCTI, Business Computer Training Institute
Misrepresentation Of Education. Ripoff, falsely advised, exaggerated, spoofed

Ripoff charged high price for 3 1/2 mos of school broke promise to help me get a jo
