Ivy Capital
I was solicited by them and paid $12,880 for coaching to work on the internet for $2,000 to $3,000 per month, or I would be considered a failure for them. I was sold a lie and have made less than $150 in 3 months

Internet & Web

I was solicited by phone by Loren Rich, a guy who works for the Angel Stevens organization. I had paid $198 for Angel Stevens "get paid for rebates at home" program the day before. Loren said he wanted to recommend me for the Accelerated Success Story program for Ivy Capital, Inc. Who works with Angel Stevens and he asked me questions. He then referred me to Jeremy Cheney, who made the decisions for such a program.

Jeremy called me just minutes after hanging up the phone from Loren Rich. He said in the last 6 1/2 years his earnings for doing what he was offering to me was $15,000 to $20,000 per month. Jeremy Cheney's office number is 888-514-6020, ext. 810; his personal cell number is 801-577-1194. He asked me what my reasons for working on the internet was - I said to have money to buy medical insurance for my family, pay off family debt, save for a mission trip, and to save for down payment on a home. He said GREAT!

Jeremy then stated that the commitments to success were: 1. Time (10 to 15 hours per week for the first 6 months and a lot less than that afterwards to keep it going by tweaking the program.) 2. Knowledge (be open minded and teachable to the mentors.) 3. Decision maker (access data and be able to make a decision.) 4. Money (the more I make the more of a success story I am for them which is what they want.) Then Jeremy asked me if I know what OPM stands for? I said no. He said Other People's Money. It takes a small investment to equal large income, immediately affordable, self sustaining, and it's guaranteed to work!

Jeremy then asked me what my financial income goals were - I said at 3 months = $4,000 monthly, at 6 months = $7,000 monthly, and at 1 year = $12,000 monthly. He said those were great goals and that if I will commit to the four commitments to success, he can guarantee that will happen. Jeremy Cheney then told me that there are three levels of the program: starter with a cost of $7,000 to $12,000; mid level with a cost of $12,000 to $15,000; and highest level with a cost of $15,000 to $20,000. His advice for me was the mid level and my cost would be $12,880 investment. Jeremy Cheney said that the average people have their investment paid off in 30 to 90 days, but 60 to 90 days is more reasonable. Jeremy Cheney said this is 100% guaranteed to be paid off within 6 months.

I have worked at least three times the number of hours he said I would need to work each week since I started and have less than $150 and it's been a few days short of 90 days. Jeremy Cheney also told me that I would have a certain person assigned to me for 1 on 1 training calls and that person would be available to me anytime I needed them between calls. My mentor did not respond to my phone calls or emails 99% of the time. I was given 11 phone calls with my coach then forgotten about until I called client services. They gave me 2 calls with another coach - that's it!

I was promised a website loaded with products to sell - never happened. I was promised certain levels of income - never happened. I was promised 6 months for Phase 1 - only given 11 weeks. I was promised eternity for Phase 2 - didn't happen. The first call I had with my mentor coach I told him what my financial income goals were and he said immediately - those are unobtainable goals. These were the same figures I gave Jeremy Cheney who guaranteed me I could make that much money. I was promised that I would earn back my $12,880 within 30 to 90 days. I've earned less than $150.

Is this company honest when they solicit people? No! Did this company take advantage of me? Absolutely! Did I get $12,880 worth of training? Certainly not! I regularly put in three times more hours time training, researching and working this program than was quoted to me, was open minded and teachable by my coach, accessed the data and made decisions, and paid the money for the training - everything quoted to me by Jeremy Cheney to be successful with Ivy Capital's training program, yet have seen horrible results. I want a full refund and I will shut up and get off my band wagon about them!

Denise1988Tampa, Florida

Company: Ivy Capital
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 3027 East Sunset Road, Suite 201
Phone: 8165206469
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