BonziBuddy ripoff ripoff business from hell, con artist, fake, thieves

Internet & Web

This "cute" and FREE addition uses up SO much of my hard drive! After 10 minutes, the novelty wore off, and much to my chagrin, I CANNOT UNLOAD all of the applications, which now makes my Norton Firewall go off constantly! Wish I had read about it before taking this awful purple ape! Additionally, in the free format I was "offered", could not stop download, cannot get rid of all that Bonzi has compromised!

This is Godawful, and the sooner the Slime company, who also use SCARE TACTICS TO try and induce you to buy their "security ware"-HA! (now i need more! TO PROTECT ME FROM THIS RABID PURPLE MONKEY!)-They should be put out of Business-PRONTO! They make this thing look so much like Microsoft's Bug, I actually thought I was getting a Microsoft application-God help us all!

I STILL CAN'T REMOVE EVERYTHING! Hours of wasted time i'd like to charge bonzi for! Very Upset in Illinois! Someone please get them out of business-my Firewall will burn up before this nightmare is over.

Chicago, Illinois

Company: BonziBuddy/
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Luis Obispo
Address: San Luis Obispo, CA
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