Process Rebate Center
They promised to be making money by typing out rebates that would be given to me for $197.00. No phone number and no responses from emails. I can not even find an address that is real on the internet

Internet & Web

The online company called Process Rebate Center is a complete fraud. They promise to give you free comany addresses to type up rebates so you can make money. All free for $197.00 with a full 3 month guarantee or they will refund your money. There is no telephone number and they do not ever answer your emails. Do not be taken in by this company's advertisement. They are a complete ripoff!

Company: Process Rebate Center
Country: USA
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Rip off on rebates
Www.Bad Dishonest Rebate Processing, No answer to the rebates questions Ripoff

Does not honor rebates, their rebate center filed chapter 11

Inphonic Rebate
Cernter ripoff rebates delayed and delayed while being real nice to u

Inphonics, Rebate Processing Center
Rebate Rip-Off of $400.00

Columbia Telecommunications Group
Won't issue promised rebates. You must call their main number! Ripoff!

A1Wireless USA
A1Wireless, A1 Wireless will not honor their rebates. Rebate requirements are nearly impossible to comply with. Ripoff
Ripped me off with their rebate ripoff Internet

Frys, Seagate, The Rebate Center
Seagate Rebate automatically denied Ripoff Arizona

Hewlett-Packard Company
HP Ripoff Rebate Program Young America and Mesa