Video Professor
Dishonest promotions ripoff Ordered one "free" CD paid shipping sent 3 CD's billed $59.95 if don't return two of these

Internet & Web

Ordered one free CD for Windows XP as shown on TV.

Salesperson tried to sell me all kinds of other items and promotions, I said no I didn't want these. Said several times over I wanted only the one free video and would pay shipping charges.

Told him I did not want to return or have to call to cancel unwanted items sent to me to keep from being billed.

Salesperson said he understood.

Received 3 CD's with notice I must send two back or pay $59.95.

Called company talked to supervisor, she would not budge, packet must be returned or pay $59,95. She said her supervisor not available and owner of company did not take calls.

Looked up on Better Business Bureau record, has numerous complaints against this company.

Hulbert, Oklahoma

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Lakewood
Address: P.O. Box 150741
Phone: 3032321244
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Video Professor
Video professo

Video Professor

Video Professor
Video Professor Ripoff Dishonest Fraudulent Billing

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1st call 15 days for refund - 2nd call 72 hrs for refund-3rd call 30 to 60 days for refund Denver internet

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Deceptive - NO FREE LESSONS Lakewood Colorado

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Ripoff, charge, fraudulent billing