Epocch.com has charged $29.95 USD to my credit card for two months now, and I've subscribed for nothing N/A

Internet & Web

I'm not sure of the original source of this, but I'm attempting to track it myself. I suspect it originates with a trial offer, I'm hearing of many of them being taken advantage of in this manner. The only other thing I can think of is a PC Educational DVD that I orderred a couple of months back, and haven't recieved yet, I'll be checking my records on this as well, and if I find that there's a connection will let you know. Complaint is something I'd never heard of, but it came up when I searcher Epoch, so I'm assuming that there's a fairly widespread problem with this company. This type of forum is needed to fight these things, and try to get them shut down. Glad to have found it. And thanx.
If anyone has benn able to find mailing info for this company, I'd really like to have it so I can attempt to cancel whatever they're doing by registerred mail.

Po'd triker
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Company: Epoch.com
Country: USA
State: California
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Rand @ Epoch Dot Com
Rand @ Epoch Dot Com Scam - EPOCH dot com, owner - Rand, unauthorized billing, unlawful porn billing company

Epoch Billing
Epoch online processing ripped me off for $4,000.00. Unknown memberships for four years

Epoch.com site used by fraudsters

Epoch Online Processing
Stole My $4,000.00

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Charged for services unwanted Internet

Failure to cancel "introductory subscription" Internet

Recurring payment from my checking account that is not authorized by me. Ceres california