Another Customer Ripped Off

Internet & Web

On December 16, I ordered a Web Hosting Service from this company (StartLogic).

I paid $35.35 immediately through Paypal. Shortly after, I received notification that the site was ready for use. When I tried to enter my information and set up my site, not a single feature worked as described.

I emailed them 5 times over 2 days and received no replies. I called them by phone 4 times over those 2 days, remained on hold for over one hour each time, and nobody ever picked up. I sat at my desk holding for the online chat support 3 times over the two days, and I never received any support.

Since this company offeres a 30 day money back guarantee, I figured I could just get my money back. I did not find any means of doing so, until somebody finally spoke to me via online chat after another hour long wait. The individual told me I needed to complete a form online for our refund. She told me it could take up to 10 days for the refund to be sent back to my Paypal Account.

Since I had no confidence that this would happen, I asked her what to do after 10 days goes by and there is no refund. She said we could ask for her through the online chat.

Well, 40 days have passed and there is no refund. I called them, nobody ever picked up. I emailed them, nobody answered. I went to try to reach the same individual through the online chat, and twice I sat for over an hour and nobody ever helped me.

So, with this in mind, I went to Paypal and opened a Dispute. Paypal told me that since the item was a service and not a product, they would'nt do anything to help me get my refund.

I asked if I was understanding them correctly and to look at how dumb that is. I told them that if I understand them correctly, and I bought a product and falsely claimed to never havie received it, I would get my money back... But if a company providing a service rips me off they won't do anything.

I have also taken this matter to the Better Businees Bureau who has been trying to get a response from StartLogic since early January. There are multiple unresolved complaints against StartLogic on the BBB website, including mine.

Between what I am reading here, combined with what I have read on the BBB site, there is more to this than just a ripoff of $35.35. People have been posting that this company is billing for the unprovided service multiple times.

Other customers have stated that they have used the cancellation process, which never gets confirmed by StartLogic and then a year later they find another charge on their credit card listed as a renewal fee.

I think we need to join forces, possibly start a class action lawsuit, and put these clowns out of business permanently.

Company: StartLogic
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1919 E. Jefferson Street #100 Phoenix, AZ 85034
Phone: 8007258064
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I signed up with Startlogic 1/18/08-5 days ago. Since then I have tried to contact Startlogic with questions. All I want now is a refund... But how? No one will answer

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