The Greatest Vitamin In The World
This company to my money that had made me pay for these different site and told me that it goingto help me make more money an it didn't gave me and gave and 1-800 number that didn't work have the time this company is an bogus and just plain fake

Internet & Web

This company took my money. I thought that i found something good but i didn't i use to check my sight everyday. So this one particular day my site says that someone bought them out. So i call and the line were busy and i couldn't get in touch with them for about week.

So i finally got in touch and they told me that i can get and refund i have to sign up for on the email they going to send. So i did.

So weeks went by and i call no answer so i send and email and ask for my refund and they had a nerve to tell me how can i get and refund if there no money. And soon they get enough money they will send me my refund. I spent over $400-450 dollars and that just not money you just give. I hope they find him so he can give all of us are refund!

Company: The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 3112 North 30th Avenue
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Greatest Vitamin In The World
Biggest Ripoff In the World

The Greatest Vitami In The World&Don Lapre
Taking too much time to give me a refund

Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Greatest Vitamin In The World - Don Lapre
Greatest Vitamin in the world is the biggest rip off They should be made to pay

Won't refund my money back

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Liar & Ripoff

The Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre took all the money I had to start my vitamin business, and now I don't have a website or my money back. Phoenik

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Internet Fraud

Don Lapre's greatest Vitamin In The World
Don Lapre's "greatest Vitamin In The World" THIS COMPANY IS A SCAM, RIPPING OFF CONSUMERS. He should be prosecuted