The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Internet Fraud

Education & Science

Like so many others on here I was ripped off by Don Lapre and his minions. Christmas Eve I saw his infomercial and gave them a call. Luckily I only spent the $35 bucks plus shipping for this crap. Because I didn't have the time to mess around with it I decided to send it back to get my refund. Well, I thought like most reputible companies that once they get their stuff back they would issue a refund.

Well I contacted them online and spoke (via chat) to a girl named Sahar. She told me it takes up to 60 days for my refund. They received the package back on 03/03/07. I was still contacting them before the 60 days was up to find out what the problem was. Starting on 04/30/07 I started keeping a log of who I talked to.

04/30/07 - Spoke to Summer (via Chat)

04/30/07 - Spoke to Phyllis on phone

05/02/07 - Spoke to Brian on phone who gave me to his supervisor

05/02/07 - Spoke to Supervisor Karen who said she would put in a "rush" to accounting to process my refund cause she had NO CLUE as to why it hadn't been processed

05/15/07 - Spoke to Bob via chat. Was told it was coming

05/29/07 - Spoke to Bob via chat. Was told it was coming

06/04/07 - Spoke to Nick via chat. Was told it was being processed

06/14/07 - Spoke to Bob via chat. Was told it was still being processed

06/25/07 - Spoke to Summer via chat. Was told it was still being processed and should be seeing it on my statement shortly

06/25/07 - Spoke to Keisha on phone cause I thought Summer didn't know what she was talking about and was told that they didn't know what was going. I asked if I could speak to the accounting department and they said that no one can speak with them... What kind of company does that?

06/25/07 - Spoke to Steven the supervisor about this was told the same thing and he said by the next week I should have it and he gave me his extension which is 104 and he said to call him if I hadn't received it. Of course I call and he doesn't call back.

07/03/07 - Spoke to Selena via chat and was told to call about this

07/03/07 - Spoke to Sonia over the phone couldn't tell me anything new

07/09/07 - Spoke to SUmmer online and was told that I needed to contact merchant relations or something like that regarding the refund.

07/09/07 - Spoke to Anthony on the phone who told me to call another number and leave a message and someone will get back with me (no one did)

07/16/07 - Spoke to Sahar online who told me to call in about the refund

07/16/07 - Spoke to Jennifer on phone who told me to leave a message for Jason Hine. I left a message on 07/17/07. I did not receive a call back from him till 07/23/07 which he left a message and said that I should receive this refund in 7-14 business days. I never received it.

08/08/07 - Called and left another message for Jason Hine who never returned my call. I had someone else call me several days later who said they are "working" on getting my refund.

I stopped keeping track of the dates but a couple of weeks ago I called on a Friday and was told that the company had been hit by a MONSOON... Are there really MONSOON'S in Arizona... Give me a break... The guy told me to call back Monday because the computers were down. I didn't call back cause I didn't want to keep waisting my time. So earlier this week I called and it said they were not open. I just called at 12:10 PM eastern standard time and when it connects it says "this debit card has not been activated"

I am totally for any kind of law suit against Don Lapre. People work too hard for their money for some a-hole to just take it away from them like that.

I hope Don Lapre gets what he deserves.

Company: The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 8005448482
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