Sells Fake Brandname Items Fake, Counterfeit, Failure to ship or refund

Internet & Web

I searched for the name of a certain brand name apparel, and the website of this company appeared as top hit. was selling the clothes for over half the price of the official marked price of these clothes. With a big "SALE 40-70% off Hurry Sale Ends Sunday!" on their homepage I thought the company had a good deal so I purchased some clothes off the site. Turns out this company sells FAKE STUFF!

Two of the three items that I purchased was shipped after 2 weeks of purchase. A third circled on the receipt telling me that they would ship the item once they are in stock. The new unopened clothes were packaged identically to a brand new legitimate version, which I had since I also bought one from a store to compare. However the seams of the clothing were horrible and lacked the attention to detail of the legitimate version. As a matter of fact the seems looked like they would fall apart any moment.

I washed both of the items and both shrank immediately to 3/4 of the original size, unlike the legitimate version that barely shrank. On closer inspection, the logo of the item is of very coarse texture and poor quality, compared to the much finer and smoother legitimate copy. Meanwhile the third shirt is still missing.

After a little research I realized that the item code on the labels do not describe the actual item. These clothes are fake, ladies and gentlemen! A little more research on their website shows that their phone number leads to a recorded message that does not allow Voice Mails. Their "Legal" page is blank. Their policy page claims a 100% customer satisfaction "GUARANTEED" but require a 25% restocking fee if you need a refund. Their so called live chat never existed.

I contacted them, and they claimed that they do not guarantee that their items are legitimate, and that I agreed to that when I made my purchase. There is NOWHERE on the site that said anything relating to that. I asked them to point me to that agreement at the time, and he never responded. They also never refunded my third shirt.

The company has 2 other consumer complaintss and in both cases they placed rebuttals. Don't listen to them. They claims that 99.7% of all transactions end up with satisfied customers, and that 65% of their customers will use their services again. Huh? Where did they get that number??? They now claim to be a "leading advertising and escrow service" and that different countries have different "replica" laws. Well I don't know what country they're talking about, but they are in the USA, and I am in the USA. Also I have saved their store website at the time of my purchase, and they were NOT an "advertising" and "escrow" company.

Do not buy their stuff. They sell fake stuff!

Don't Buy from Runwaycom
Los Angeles, California

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 6278 N. Federal Hwy #129
Phone: 8007366680
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Company forgot to put word FAKE before word burberry scarf

Runwayco Selling FAKE merchandise from China! On-line On-line

My Web Wholesaler, LLC Fake counterfeit brand name designer clothing Athens, Maine Carson City, Nevada
Fake Copy Brand Item and cheap quality. No refund! Fuzhou china / Runwayco / James David Rudy / J D Rudy Enterprises
Fraudulent Merchant, Does not Ship, Buyer Beware, Fake Clothing

Consumer Report

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Bait and Switch Off Soho Shopping, Off Soho Shopping rips off consumers by claiming to sell authentic jeans, designer clothing

Anna Pereira, Shirts are crap. They fall apart after one wash. Her designs are horrible. Fake crystals that tear up your skin

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Consumer Report