America Online
Ripoff Fraudulent billing dishonest unauthorized noncontracted fees wire transfer fraud

Internet & Web

Date: Mon, Sep 23rd 2002 12:42: 03
Subject: Fraudulent billing practices ongoing prpblem.

RE: file #878, SEPTEMBER-09 11:49am. To: 919042324700. Pages 006. File #878. Refunds for none contracted amounts, 2-28-02 $108.00, again 2-28-02, $108.00. Charges for service for the months of 06-02,07-02, and 08-02. After two prior cancelations In Feburary and again In March. Canceled again In September #0461977237-jburss1. To
date all I have gotten back Is two months service billed aftercancelation. Billing denys the charges or states that they resolved the matter with a refund. Basicly they lie to suit the moment or hangup. I have also been
told that I am to stuipid to read my bank statement. They stated that the billing glitch was fixed with a credit the same day It happened. Unfortunately all they
did was take out another $108.00. You have the faxed copys of the bank statements. How can billing continue to lie

I can get no help from the Billing department reps and they refuse to allow me to speak to someone that has a
little Integrity. Any help In resolving this problem would be most appreciated...

After this letter I get the standard bullshit lies and patented runaround. They have been faxed all the bank statements 2 weeks ago numerous phone calls to that shithole department they call billing. Thats where they train tommorows top liars and ripoffs.

I cant seem to get the same answer twice from billing. The billing Email address appears to be a server thathat sends out form letters signed by various billing personal send 10 emails 10 back with the same cover letter different name. Push the reps to hard and they will just hangup, especially when they cant come up with anymore storys. I need help!!!

Greensboro, North Carolina

Company: America Online
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Dulles
Address: Dulles Virginia
Phone: 8882658003
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Aol America Online
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