Heidi Diaz
Heidi Kimberly Diaz Internet Diet Scam with fake success stories and stolen photos

Internet & Web

Heidi Kimberly Diaz created a diet website and charged members for access. A lifetime membership was recently $59.95. She was available to answer questions on the forums and encouraged people who stalled to go lower and lower in calories. Many posts there showed people eating under 400 calories a day. As a weight loss program, it did the job. But many members later had health issues that were serious and could, ultimately, be fatal.

She encouraged daily laxative use. Many people started to have hair loss, heart palpitations, and dizziness. When members started questioning the diet, she banned them from the site, ignoring her lifetime membership pledge.

There were lots of unanswered questions, which she refused to answer. She went under several aliases and continually denied that she was Heidi Diaz. She was known as Kimmer on the Low Carb Friends forums and again at her own website Kimkins.com.

A previous partner of hers hired a P.I., who tracked her down to Heidi's home and took videos of her. She had gotten her members by claiming to have lost 198 lbs in a year and to have kept it off for 5 years. The investigator's videos of her show her to be a morbidly obese woman who had obviously lied about any weightloss. There is now a class action suite against her for her fraulent acts.

Company: Heidi Diaz
Country: USA
State: California
City: Corona
Phone: 9512583976
Site: kimkins.com
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Stop Kimkins, save a life

Heidi Diaz, And Kimmer A Diet Fraud Would you pay a 300 pound woman to tell you how to lose weight? Heidi Diaz (Kimmer) is a liar, a cheat, and a fraud

Kimkins.com - Heidi Diaz
Is a con artist who sells starvation diets to unsuspecting people

Heidi K. Diaz Morbidly obese woman, scamming thousands with claims she lost weight on dangerous anorexic diet Internet

Starvation diet, fraud, lawsuit

Kimkins.com - Heidi Diaz - Kimmer
FRAUD Scam Lies Health Concerns Class Action Lawsuit Fake Success Stories and Pictures

Diet site used fake success stories to sell dangerous starvation plan and banned people who questioned them

Dangerous and deadly!

Kimkins - Heidi Diaz
Kimmer and Kimkins Diet Scam

Kimmer, Heidi Diaz Sold me a "lifetime" membership and banned me from the site without remedy Corona