Heidi K. Diaz Morbidly obese woman, scamming thousands with claims she lost weight on dangerous anorexic diet Internet

Education & Science

Heidi K. Diaz, known as 'kimmer' in the online diet world, charged money for a diet she claimed to have used to lose 198lbs in 6 months and kept it off for five years. She stole images from Russian Bride websites and used them as her own before and after photos to back up her claims. She also made up a great many fake success stories using more stolen Russian Bride images to lend credence to her very dangerous anorexic diet.

In fact the diet she pushed on her customers was so dangerously low in nutrients and calories as to be causing many health problems for people all over the world. This woman never lost weight, she never did her own diet, and she led thousands down a dangerous unhealthy diet path.

There is a class action lawsuit ongoing charging her with that fraud as well as banning members from their 'lifetime' memberships without even a refund.

Company: Kimkins
Country: USA
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Diet site used fake success stories to sell dangerous starvation plan and banned people who questioned them

Stop Kimkins, save a life

Kimkins - - Heidi Diaz - Kimkins Diet - Heidi Diaz - Kimkins Diet Kimkins is a potentially dangerous very low calorie diet spouted by a founder whom has no nutritional or medical expertise and whom in fact is still obese

Kimkins - Heidi Diaz
Kimmer and Kimkins Diet Scam
Heidi Diaz, a scam artist who is charging people for a dangerous diet. Corona, California - Heidi Diaz
Is a con artist who sells starvation diets to unsuspecting people

Fraud by owner of Kimkins!

Heidi Diaz
Heidi Kimberly Diaz Internet Diet Scam with fake success stories and stolen photos

Heidi Diaz, And Kimmer A Diet Fraud Would you pay a 300 pound woman to tell you how to lose weight? Heidi Diaz (Kimmer) is a liar, a cheat, and a fraud

Kimkins, Heidi Diaz, Kimmer
Diet Scam using fake photos and lies about her real weight loss. Paid fee to join