Media Concepts, LLC And Media Concepts, Inc
John Frazier Possible Rip Off concerning Media Concepts, LLC and John Frazier South Holland IL

Internet & Web

I'm very concerned about this business opportunity that I paid for. It seems a little funny to me that the address where I sent my money to is a UPS Store.

I sent my money to:

Media Concepts, LLC
430 East 162nd Street # 191
South Holland, IL. 60437

This address is the address to a UPS Store. I pulled the address up on Google Maps and did the Satillite View and then did the Street View to see if I could locate Media Concepts, LLC. However, to my surprise I found not Media Concepts, but I found The UPS Store at this address.

I do have Attorneys already paid on retainer, and if I don't get my money soon that was guaranteed to me, then I will be contacting the South Holland police dept together with my Attorneys to track down the guy hiding behind the mail box. The authorities have the power to overturn policies to find out who the person is that picks up the mail for Media Concepts, LLC.

Some person has to come into that UPS Store to pick up the mail for this Media Concepts company, and I'm guessing that whoever that person is is the perp.

Personally, I feel that this Chris Harper that I spoke to ONCE is just an alias and I don't know the guys real name. I paid $500 and took the RISK hoping to double my money into $1,000 within 60 days, but I've not received anything yet. Sunday November 18th was the 60th day that
I was supposed to receive my money back. My $500 check was cashed and PAID on Sept 18th and by November 18th I should have had a $1,000 check in the mail, but nothing yet. I will keep you posted as to whether I get anything or not.


Company: Media Concepts, LLC And Media Concepts, Inc
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 430 East 162nd Street # 191 South Holland, IL. 60473
Phone: 3123079330
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John Frazier's Media Concepts Inc
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