Almost fired

Internet & Web

I have been on my job for 11 years. On Thursday, 10/26/07 I was called into the HR Department at work. The HR manager explained, that it has been brought to their attention some charges that has been added to the companies AT&T bill since February 07, and that I authorized the monthly service by provding my company phone number along with my home address in exchange for a calling card or some complimentary airline tickets. I explained to HR that I do not have a home phone, and that I did not authorize any charges for a calling card. HR explain to me that this is grounds for termination. I went back to my desk and went on yahoo, typed in SAVE4LESS FRAUD, and found all of your reports, a total of 460 complaints on this company, which I was able to prove to my company that I did nothing wrong, and that this comapny has scammed many people, and has now almost cost me my job. This company should be put out of business, and soon! How can this happen to so many of us and nothing be done? I am also filing a report with the Attorney General to put these people, and their associates out of business. Just be aware, that this company can get a hold of your company phone number and attach it to your personal address, and you could be called into HR and be terminted if you cannot prove this company hass a SCAMMED YOU TOO.

Company: Save4less
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Calumet City
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