(do not use this company! They rip you off!)

Internet & Web

I have to be truthfull here, I have changed my name for this entry of the Rippoff report only because I know that Dan and Jeff will be reading this soon and they have my address and phone number so Im afraid they will come back at me so how for putting in this entry. But I really have to tell you that I totally agree with Dale from Las Vegas! As much as he is swearing and sounding a little insane right now, he has all the right to be. I know what he has gone through because I was there, using this unproffessional company called webbizideas.com.

I cant believe what junk they crank out for websites, and they got me for $3,000. I have read all the entries here on the rippoff report and they are all true, please trust me. Do not call Dan, Jeff or Brian for anything if you want a pleasurable experience for your website design. They go oversees and pay these guys probably $10-$15 an hour to crank out the worst, most unproffessional, cheezy websites you would ever see.

Go to their website and see a few of them. They have already taken off the REALLY BAD ones from thier portfolio because they know that people are on to them. An REAL design team charges between $65-$100. I too had them build me a website for $3000, everytime I asked for a change in the design (and their were many of them because it was junk), they would not change it but change something else that looked even worse. It was so bad that I too went to a different designer and just got something else built.

I asked for my money back and they wouldnt do it. I knew from day one after they sent me the initial screen shot of the site I was in trouble, It SUCKED!!! But being a person that really doesnt know much about getting a site together, trusted that I could get changes done my way after telling them exactly what I wanted. See, that is what this company does, they prey on the people that have not a clue about website creation and design. That is what this company is all about.

Dont trust them, they say they have all this knowledge and experience? All they do is contract ALL the work out to other companies, that's it. They broker your DREAM out to the lowest bidder! Please, dont go to webbizideas.com, they will truly make your life miserable and I really feel for Dale from Vegas. I hope you get your money back buddy! Once again, do not go to this company! I beg you, dont!

Company: Webbizideas
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
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Com is a ripoff. buyer beware! Internet

Do NOT get website done by Webbizideas.com

Ripoff No Help also working with webscribble who is on this site to, they ripped me off $800.00 St. Louis Park

Perfect-design Inc
Service@perfdesign.com, grace@perfdesign.com, perfdesign.com STOLEN WEBSITE DESIGN & CONTENT. FRAUD, THEFT - outrageous!

Imagination. fm, Imagination. ms, Imagination. vg
Web design scam. No refund, No work. Total B.S. Be careful and avoid these guys

Squarepegweb web design - Web design

Design It Do It
Carrie "Cece" Jones Cece and her team will take your money and run!

Acuity Website Design
Steals content from other websites

HIT Web Design
Heritage Web Design Rippoff Website Design & Hosting Service

Jeff Foster -webbizideas.com
Jeff foster these crooks are still at it! Don't let them fool you! They are major crooks! Minneapolis mn 55426