Yujuan Li
Gameminter.com, Fake website that scammed money and never responded

Internet & Web

Ordered a virtual item on the website, then after no response and not receiving the item, found my way to live support... Which directed me to live support of a completely seperate site. Pretty much copied the website and since paypall does not back virtual items, there is no sure way to get money back.

Company: Yujuan Li
Country: USA
Site: gameminter.com
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Team VIP - Team Virtual Item Provider
Team VIP (Team Virtual Item Provider) ripoff! Trying to contact them for 2 weeks with no response

Team VIP
COM Did not fully diliver virtual product (World of Warcraft Gold)

Virtual-Training-Solutions.com / Rebate Processor Jobs.com
Virtual-Training-Solutions.com, Signned Up and followed instructions no response or work

No delivery, no refund for mmofisher.com, STAY AWAY FROM THEM!

Mmofisher, mmofisher.com
No delivery, no refund for mmofisher.com, STAY AWAY FROM THEM!

Virtual credit card virtual-credit-card is a fraud company. They charged my card but won't deliver the product. Uk

Martin Zivadinovic Scammer using paypal's "virtual goods" loophole

I bought an item from the site. But I never received the item, and when I tried to contact them they never got back to me

Virtual Pilot 3D
Consumer Report

Goldicp International Inc
Gamebuynow.com, GoldICP Sells game "gold" but does not deliver / "virtual good" so no recourse