Pornography On My Church Website? You Did What?

Internet & Web

There is an e-mail I sent to Dustin, of Origin3, after he told me GoDaddy.com did not support his project, that I have paid for, and they will not provide. It is a store and forum. Money is simply that, but the thing that ruined my reputation, the thing that angers me, is that while the store was being designed the Second Time, because they do not listen well, they left a forum on the existing site, active, and allowed spam bots to post porn pics for a month or two. All the while, I am out selling the idea of the thing, and all the while, kids are going to a church directory to see hot lesbians doing who knows what. Well, I know, but that is not the point.

It is worse than even this, but this is not meant to let me vent, I can do that on my own. It is meant for anyone that AlReAdY has been cheated by this company, and any LaWyErS, who would like to file a class action law suit. I don't mind so much the owner calling me a dick, as he claims I am unethical... Well, not so much, but the money is what I want back. The justice and something to clean up my name a bit are what I would like.


All kidding aside, my research that I did After you screwed me, that yes, I should have done before, indicates that you and your company do this All The Time. You and several of the other employees are mentioned in several complaints. It will be serious now. It will not be nice. Tried nice, to no avail. I have someone going over the contract that was signed now, and if I understand things correctly, there will be plenty of evidence, of plenty of wrong doing. I should have known about you when Brandon started knocking everyone in the business that I mentioned. That is my fault. I picked you, but you took my money and did not provide a service, and damaged the existing site.

And for the record, I don't know if you are trying to cover any bases or not in writing, but let me respond by saying, there has been no discussion of support for my site. The last contact I had with your company by phone was some kid who slammed the phone down just after insulting me several times. And no, I did not purchase this project. I purchased a forum and a Zen Cart. You could not even provide that.

Your claims that my hosting will not support the store are false. Every requirement you had for that said support was provided to you, just for the record and all. You guys are crooked. You guys are creepy weird, really. Unethical was the word so close to your owners lips, and I suspect that is because his conscience was oozing through. Most angry comments happen that way. He simply picked, because there was nothing wrong for him to say about me, what was screwing him up, in his mind, and I believe that theory now more than ever, because he said unethical.

If the law and I don't get cha, instant karma will. I hope, with all my heart, at this point at least, that both occur. You may have messed with the wrong dude, here. We'll see.



Oh, and for the record, I don't have a check for the hosting you billed me for, which you never hooked up. And I know these are words you will not here or heed, but it helps me to promise to do what I can, so others will not be cheated by a corrupt company.

Company: Origin3
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Site: origin3.net
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Company went out of business after being paid and never delivering services

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Bankrupt-Shut Down-Out Of Business

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