World Market Systems
Guarenteed me an income, and a website, Advertisting Fort Worth

Internet & Web

I signed up for a Platinum package, 90 day money back guarentee. I have had three people calling themselves coaches but only seem to want more money. Foolishly I have parted with $6,000AUD. I will be asking for a refund if after the 90 days I do not see any positive results. I would be happy to join with other in my predicanebt to pursue possible legal action. My main problem is living in Australia and the time difference and cost of international calls


Company: World Market Systems
Country: USA
Phone: 18882318526
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"world market systems" you will make money even before your website is ready!

World Market Systems -
Aka A

World Market Systems - 24 Hour Cashflow And Traffic Designs
(lost $5,850)

Supatab, Platinum
These 2 companies work together to rip you off, big scam, iv actually tried it Qld queensland

World Market Systems
Fraud and cheating!

World Market System
I purchased a programme from World Market System and I believe I'm a victim of a scam. I deserve a refund

World Market System
The guy over the phone told me "I was doing the right thing" ripoff

World market systems
World market systems scamed me out of 6000 austrailian dollars

World Market Systems
Promised I would make my money back within 3 months, now they never answer my phone calls or e-mails!
Do not stand behind their "Satisfaction guarenteed or your money back" policy Ripoff