Kelly Feliz - CEO
Kelly Felix Aka Rich Jerk Scammed me out of $1000, merely to 'read' my business opportunity to him

Internet & Web

I contacted Kelly with a genuine business opportunity. His company then sent an email back with this...


Sorry, RJ can't respond to any of the many JV offers and business proposals sent in - not enough time in his 1 hour workday.

To separate the serious from the curious, RJ requests a consideration fee for his time to take a good look at it and this shows that; a). You believe your proposal will make a large enough profit that the fee is not an issue for you. And b). You have thought about, prepared and are able to provide actual details about your offer; enough to present to someone of RJ's caliber to seriously consider it.

RJ doesn't need the money but the fee shows you are coming with your pitch ready and are motivated to partner with the best for achieving the best possible results. He likes that - it's gets his attention and of course the time to look over your proposal in a favorable frame of mind.

You should check out: Q=&
For a good estimate of the number of visitors to just ONE RJ site. Now check what he did with his recent program release: - Top 1000! This much traffic, plus a website/offer with a good conversion rate = Big Money! Anyone else offering REAL proof like that?

See his message below on this Consideration fee, written in his own unique style.

Rich Jerk Management Staff

Rich Jerk here.

I receive a TON of JV (joint venture) offers every day.

Most SUCK, and make me waste precious time reading their proposals. Im DONE with that.

I pick and choose my JVs very closely. I dont whore myself out to every offer that comes along, like most lame-ass marketers do.

My subscribers expect interesting, legitimate, and beneficial offers that coincide with what I already give them. Not the same crap everybody already gets in their inbox every day. That is why my list is probably one of the most responsive (if not # 1) lists in the world. They know if something comes from me, it's damn good.

So I've developed a new process for accepting JV offers.

If you want me to even READ your proposal, you need to send me $1,000 up front.

If you know your offer is good, and that my list is a good fit, you should have no problem doing this. If you do have a problem, then your offer is obviously a piece of sh*t, and there is no point in me even knowing about it.

If you are ready to get serious, go ahead and contact my staff for an address to send your check to. Once I read your JV offer, Ill contact you personally and let you know if I'm willing to do the deal on a CPA (cost-per-acquisition) basis, or if I'm going to require additional funds up front before I send your offer.

My list will NEVER be saturated with bullsh*t. I have no interest in doing a mailing unless I will make a minimum of $50k, either paid up front, or in some cases, as a CPA.

Since you contacted me, you already know my list kicks ass. You probably saw what I did with Stompernet, helping them to a $20 Million Dollar product launch. I broke every launch day traffic record that ever existed. If you saw how well the recent Xray Domination launch went, you already know no one can do this like I can.

If you want that kind of response for your project, then put your money where your mouth is.



The Rich Jerk

I stupidly then sent my money via check from the UK and waited for a response. FOUR weeks later he said he wasn't interested, no reason, no explanation.

I then asked for my money back or some sort of refund and he said no, 'as explained in the offer, it is non-refundable'

Where did it say this?

Kelly offered no apology, no explanation, no refund. This is an utter joke.

United Kingdom

Company: Kelly Feliz - CEO
Country: USA
State: California
City: Carlsbad
Address: 1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 207
Phone: 7604761650
  <     >  

I used this company's service, they got my money and never provided me with the service I paid for, I tried wo work with them solving this problem but they didn't do nothing. Los Osos California

Bulk email email blast email marketing opt in email list company SCAM SCAMMER RIP OFF THEIVES BOGUS CRIMINALS THIEVES

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