Our phone company helped them charge us for over a year without our knowledge or consent

Internet & Web

Imagine my surprise to see a charge for 13.99 from a company that I had never heard of or used before on my phone bill. I was going through the phone bill looking for a long distance number I had previously used and needed and found this charge. When I called ESBI to find out why we were being charged for a service we never signed up for I found out that we have been being charged for over a year! They claimed that we signed up over the internet which is not the case! When I argued with them they agreed to refund the last two months but that was all! When I complained to my phone company (who was doing the billing for them) they refused to help.

As a long time customer of Verizon I am very dissatisfied! They are helping this company bill for fraudulent charges! I am switching my phone service to another company as the result of this and filing a report with consumer protection against ESBI. My lesson learned, go over every bill, every month. You never know what might show up!

Company: Esbi
Country: USA
Phone: 8665274932
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