Reservation Rewards
Fraud, unauthorized billing ripoff

Internet & Web

I also signed up for the free trial that this company offers. I looked around and then canceled it the next day. I also received a confirmation email of the cancellation. For unrelated reasons I terminated my credit card and got a new one. Good thing too.

Over a month later this company tried to tag my account to see if it was active. I only know about it because of an alert my bank sent me went it happened. No response to email yet. I'd be more at their throats if that card had still been active.

Company: Reservation Rewards
Country: USA
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Reservation Rewards
Withdraws money from bank account based on using an emailed COUPON! is in league with the scam/fraud of

Elite Marketing
Poor Hiring practises

Ripoff charged my credit card without my knowledge, Free trial of Active Speed not quite FREE!

*WLI Reservation Rewards &
Update on Reservation Rewards scam in obtaining information from Shelton

Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized billing

Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized billing to my credit card

America OnLine (AOL)
America OnLine - AOL Cancellation Ignored continous billing ripoff

C/o Spark Networks Limite Eggregious business practices. Continued ti charge my Debit card after cancellation of service without being given access ro account

WLI Reservaton Rewards
Fraud in Shelton, CT, Unauthorized Monthly Charges Stem From Banner Ad on Concert Ticket Site Ripoff