RIPPED me OFF ripoff

Internet & Web

On or about March 1 I opened an account with Paypal. I sold two gift certificates at a discounted price. (I retired from the home building business and I had home depot gift cards that I could not return). Paypal sent me an email asking for documentation that I had sent out the gift cards and a purchase receipt to show that I bought the cards.

I did that! Paypal said that they would get back to me. They came back to me with an email saying gift cards are too risky and dropped me from their service for life aven though both customers received their gift cards. They are currenly holding $411.40 of my money that they said they will hold for 180 days. I said how can you do that when yopu know that your customers received their gift cards and had no problem? They said this is what they do! I was trying to earn some extra money as I had just retired.

I have done nothing wrong. I have no criminal record. I complained to the BBB in San Jose and got no where. They must be doing this to gain more profits by holding customers money and getting interest even though the buyers have their merchandise. How do they get away with this. I gave them all the information they wanted and said I would show them my business card as a builder. As a Big company they think they can get away with anything that they want to do even to inocent customers.

Someone should stop them! I'm sure they have many Millions of dollars they are getting interest on that does not belong to them. They are a rip off company!

Company: Paypal
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Address: 2211 N First St
Phone: 8882211161
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Gift Card Castle
I sent five 50.00 dollar let us entertain you gift cards. They sent me an email that they only recieved three gift cards. I am 100 percent postive I sent five to them. I even have all of the card numb Internet

Ebay Gift Cards
In connection with PayPal Ebay Gift Cards are the worst, not worth the trouble!

SMC Cooperation
False, ripoff, did not disclose everything that you had to spend, more than they say

Gift cards scam

Alex Buckley Create Union
Fraudulent Gift Cards

Ebay / Gift Cards
Resale of Gift Cards

VISA & American Express "Gift Cards"
Their "Gift Cards" are a rip-off

The Home Depot
Ripoff Stealing from their own Customers

Stealing from their customers, took $195.00 from my business account

Bella Voi
Of Perimeter Mall I won 6 gift cards of $100 each, ripoff