Privacy Matters Smart Savings - free3bureaucreditreport
Privacy Matters Smart Savings Privacy Matters Smart Savings Credit Report Ripoff I am sick of our country allowing businesses to walk all over us! Free3bureaucreditreport Internet

Internet & Web

I am one of many that has been ripped off by Privacy matters. I am sick of our country allowing businesses to walk all over us! Apparently it does no good to contact your bank or them so I am trying a different route. I found them by searching google for free credit report. They are listed as a SPONSORED LINK. I called google and informed them they are accepting money from a dishonest/fraudulent company and they are in turn ripping off their customers, us. If you found this company through an advertisement from a larger more reputable company INFORM THEM. And tell them you want to be called back when action has been taken. I will continue to check google to make sure PRIVACY MATTERS has it's advertising rights taken away from google. If these companies can't advertise they can't steal anyone elses money.

Google also allows you to rate their advertisers for their service, link provided below. Let our voices be heard.

Company: Privacy Matters Smart Savings - free3bureaucreditreport
Country: USA
State: Intenet, Nationwide
City: Intenet
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Privacy Matters 123
Privacy Matters 123 My cancellation request was sent on Oct. 3. Two weeks later they sent me a verification notice, but took out a fee of 29.95 on Oct. 19.

Privacy Matters / Privacy Matters 1 2 3
Privacy Matters - Privacy Matters 1 2 3 ripoff, fraudulent, dishonest, billing, online, no confirmation

Privacy Matters 123
Member Savings, 123 Privacy Matters, Your Savings Club unauthorized billing on my credit obtained from Houston, Texas

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Ripoff galleriausa took my information without my permission when i ordered through "privacy matters"

Privacy Matters 123
Privacy Matters 123 Rips Off Another Unwary Consumer Stafford, Virginia

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Privacy Matters - Privacy Matters Identity - Savings Club Help I've been ripped off by Privacy Matters multiple times Montreal Canada

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Privacy Matters - Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Internet Fraud SCAM ripoff

Privacy Matters
Fraudulent claims, fake recommendations, asked for personal info ripoff

Privacy Matters
Watchout for Privacy Matters!