Albert J. Productions/Sex TV
Porno Ripoff Scams

Internet & Web

The internet porno industry has created the perfect way to rip people off unknowingly, and I'm talking smart, informed people who are careful what they click on. Here's how it works. You click on a porno site and they offer you a 5-day trial membership for a small fee, for example, $2.95. This fee is charged to a credit card, of course, and the company also has your phone no.

While you are clicking on different choices within that site, you are unknowingly clicking on different companies who promptly charge your telephone no., your credit card, and/or sign you up for a monthly subscription. I'm serious - there is NO WAY TO TELL THIS IS HAPPENING!

As far as you know, you've paid your trial membership fee and that's it! One such company that does this is Albert J. Productions of Sex TV.

Their site is "hidden" within another porno site that offers the 5-day trial memberships. As far as I'm concerned, this is a criminal act.

Can you imagine purchasing a pair of shoes with your credit card, then finding a brand new car charged to your credit card that you did not purchase? So, beware, if you are clicking in a porno site, YOU CAN BE CHARGED ANY AMOUNT AND YOU'LL HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING IT until you receive your phone bills and credit card statements!

Company: Albert J. Productions/Sex TV
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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