My Dollar Shop
They Con me into thinking I just signed up to have my own business at home

Internet & Web

Today I recieved an email offering me a 14 day free trail to open my own Online Dollar store. My commission was to be a quarter on every dollar that anyone purchased thru my site. They only thing they asked for was 1.97 for shipping me my manual etc... I spent the whole afternoon customizing site as much as they would allow me. Setting up my email and paypal account, plus notifing all my friends and relatives. This evening when I tried to access my site, I couldn't. No one could. It does not exist. I than decided to research and learned this company is a scam. Luckily for me, I called my bank to reported them and closed off my visa account before they were able to get a penny. I'm writing this in hope that the next person they try to scam will read this and know they have not been stopped yet and are still after all these years stealling from people. I will be back here if they try to get money from me another way...

Company: My Dollar Shop
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Pleasant Grove
Phone: 8002318829
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My Dollar
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