GoodSearch Cheating Charities, Regularly Subtracts From Your Totals

Internet & Web

GoodSearch claims that is you use them as your search engine, you will earn one penny for the charity of your choice.

When your totals start to look good, they deduct anywhere up to $6.00 (or 600 searches) that we've noted!
Two organizations that are noted on our website as having been ripped off is the Institute for Wildlife Studies and Operation Migration, but we're sure many more charities are ripped off and either don't notice it or don't follow up on it.

We contacted GoodSearch and were told that their equipment signalled an alert that caused them to subtract the money.

But when asked to tell us what us being done that trigger the alerts so that we will be sure to not perform those searches, we are told that they can not tell us that information.

Even though we have assured them that no one in our group is performing fraudulent searches, they continue to deduct points.

People think they are doing good for a charity, while filling the pockets of GoodSearch and get our points stripped without notification or request for explanation and they think there is nothing we can do about it.
And we're not finished here, either.

Company: GoodSearch
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: PO Box 492176
Phone: 8774663004
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