EDP REPORTING - edpreporting.com
Where did my money go, ripoff!

Internet & Web

Hello and why is this only thing i could find for EDP REPORTING? I found out to day like the rest of you I too had two debts of 159.95 and now my count is over drawn. I did not autherize this nor did I apply for any credit cards! I have had the same 2 for some time and do not need a pre paid card thats what a savings is for.

These debts were just a few days apart and the dates that edp gives where from the begining of deceber, it is now one mounth later. The funds for this company were just now avalible, do they watch your acount?

I seen here that someone here had done something with cash net my husband did to some time ago, how ever my acount has changed since. I am woundering how these people got my checking information!

Lets just pretend and say i did apply why would they take it twice? Anyway I am in hopes this is something my bank and take care of and I have printed a few of your testimonails to take with me to my bank. PLease email me with any info u may have on this at If my bank will not take care of this i guess i have to go through what u went throgh which sounds like so far we have gotten no where.


Company: EDP REPORTING - edpreporting.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8004300672
Site: edpreporting.com
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