Intercepted my kazaa request, dishonest about charges U.S.A

Internet & Web

I wanted to download kazaa. I clicked on the download icon, the subscription page that came up, said I could get 2 years membership for 99p per month. I thought this was reasonable so I excepted, went through the procedure at the end of which I ended up on a page that said I had been charged? 23 but made no sense to me compared with what I had expected, it certainly was not kazaa.

My computer then started installing something but then just stopped. I could not find what was attempting to install so I thought my request had simply been rejected. I thought no more about it as I didn't really mind not spending the money.

The next thing I know is that 63.77 had been taken from my bank account by a company I had never heard of, after investigating I discovered the money had been taken by and that I had elected to subscribe to extras which I did not. I then sent them an e-mail through their support link, stating that I wanted my money back as a matter of urgency as I certainly could not afford this amount, to which I've had no reply.
I've also rang my bank, but was informed that because I had used a debit card, I had virtually no chance of getting my money back, because it was my money, but if I had used a credit card then that would have been the banks money and they would be more successful in retrieving their money.

I have since tried to go back through the same support link on their web page and it is now coming up with an invalid site request. I now do not know what to do, but certainly know I am in debt, as I did not have enough money to pay for a direct debit which had been due to be taken before I had discovered what these people had done and they cannot be allowed to get away with this robbing people!!!

If anyone has any suggestions as to where I go from here or can help in any way. PLEASE, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

United Kingdom

Country: USA
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