Ripoff didn't work for me

Internet & Web

This issue was involving over $300, as you will read.

Following is my experience with Inbox Dollars for all who wish to reference it. Notice near the end that InboxDollars fooled around for three months of not answering me before I contacted them again about this issue. Then they tried to tell me after the whole discussion that I registered through another provider and then they would not compensate me for the offer that I completed through their site. (Makes me wonder why they were not able to do that in the first place about four months earlier when I very first contacted them.) They also told me it was not between me and them, but between Vegas Red and I and told me to contact Vegas Red. Well, I did. I have e-mail proof from Vegas Red that they are not affiliated with InboxDollars. Contact me for a forward of this e-mail. Beware! My correspondence with Inbox Dollars has been copied below. Keep in mind as you read all of this that Vegas Red says that they do not condone such tactics and aren't affiliated with Inboxdollars although Inboxdollars sucked me into Vegas Red through Inboxdollars's site.

You will also notice other offers that I mentioned in this trouble ticket; FYI, I was never compensated for those either. Make your own conclusions. That's just the facts. They say that a small percentage of their offers are not fulfilled, but draw your own conclusions.

"suvobr" is what I wrote and Inboxdollars call me Susan:

Topic: Ticket #: 00074474
Status: OPEN Posted: AUGUST 25 09:49 AM

I wanted to make sure we received credit for a very important offer that I completed, before, perhaps, it expires and gives us trouble. I realize that since I have not been paid, that you have also not been paid. I am refering to my completing the Vegas Red Casino offers: $25 each to me for the first three deposits made to them. Also note that I did make the proper deposits plus much more: $200, $20, and $20. If needed, I do have proof of this. So they owe me $75 through inboxdollars. Sakes knows they made a lot more than that off of my losings.

Thanks much,
susan (ror redacted e-mail address for security purposes)

P.S. I have a lot of other pending offers that have not been credited that are not as significant, except for perhaps the little ebay offer I completed for registering and making a bid. That is worth $6.

Customer Support


Vegas Offer: This offer credits you in three steps, one for each deposit you make. Your first deposit needs to be at least $40, and each subsequent deposit needs to be at least $20. The first deposit should credit to your account within 1-5 business days. However, the 2nd and 3rd deposits are credited monthly, therefore, can take up to 30-40 days to credit to your account.

Please let me know if you have not been credited for your first deposit within 5 business days. I will need to know the amount of your deposit, and the dates deposited. Then, please wait for the 2nd and 3rd credits at the end of the month, and reply to this ticket if you do not receive those credits.

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department
Customer Support


If you have another offer not credited, in order to assist you I will need to know the name of the offer you are referring to, and the date that you signed up.

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department



As stated when I first contacted you on Ticket No: 00074474, "Also note that I did make the proper deposits plus much more: $200, $20, and $20." So my first deposit was $200. Well above the $40 as you see, so they owe us. Lol The deposits were made on August 7th, so it has been over the 5 business days.

The other offer I referred to was eBay. I registered and made a bid for them, so they owe us to. I believe I did that around August 1st.

Thanks much!

Customer Support


Vegas Offer: This offer will not issue a credit to anyone who has joined a Casino Partners casino (Casino Tropez, Casino DelRio, Vegas Red, Europa Casino, Titan Poker, Hammers Casino) before. Also, if a member deposits and immediately attempts to withdraw that money they will not issue a credit.

If neither of the above apply, please reply to this ticket with your Vegas Player Number, and I will verify with them.

EBay Offer: eBay requires that you create a new eBay account through our link and then bid on at least one item. If you were already an eBay member in the past, you would not be credited.

Please allow 1 to 5 business days from the date you have placed a bid for this offer to credit to your account. Please reply to this trouble ticket if it has not been credited. I will need to know the date you completed the offer, and date you placed your bid.

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department


FIRSTLY, regarding the ebay offer that I completed, I created a new eBay account through your link and then bid on an item on AUGUST 1 and have not received credit for that. I was not an ebay member before that. Now, what new stipulation are you going to create to where I am not eligible to receive credit for completing YOUR eBay offer? By YOUR eBay offer, I am referring to the offer YOU listed on YOUR site.

SECONDLY, regarding the Vegas Red offer that I completed, first you told me, "Please let me know if you have not been credited for your first deposit within 5 business days." Then, when I provided proof of my first deposit, you tell me, "This offer will not issue a credit to anyone who has joined a Casino Partners casino (Casino Tropez, Casino DelRio, Vegas Red, Europa Casino, Titan Poker, Hammers Casino) before. Also, if a member deposits and immediately attempts to withdraw that money they will not issue a credit." I did not attempt to withdraw my deposit immediately; in fact, because of the offer you posted on YOUR site, I deposited a total of $240 and used it all at the casino.

Now, this is very important. I have been a Titan Poker member for quite a while — way before I joined InboxDollars and saw the Vegas Red offer. HOWEVER, nowhere on your site where the Vegas Red offer is listed (which I have copied for my records), nor when I signed up for Vegas Red did it tell me that I would not be eligible for compensation because I was a member of Titan Poker and had been for a quite a while. Do you realize that this is false advertising? If it was okay for you to introduce to me this stipulation AFTER I completed an offer, then that is the same as if you would introduce any stipulation saying I was not eligible, for example: saying to me that I was not eligible now because I was white or because I was female or because I worked in the legal field. Please note that it doesn't matter how crazy the stipulation is, what matters is that you notify a person before they put money into it. This is very important. So if you continue to tell me that I am not eligible for my $75 bonus, combined with the $240 I deposited, I have combined damages of $315. You see, if you would have posted that memebers of Titan Poker were not eligible to receive payment from YOUR offer, then I would have never put any money into the Vegas Red Casino offer at all. Also, keep in mind that not only did Vegas Red also not inform me of this when I linked them through your site, but they had no problem letting me deposit and giving me the first timer's sign-up bonus. Vegas Red is not my problem, but yours. My problem and who I am holding accountable is InboxDollars, because ultimately, what you represent on your site, you credit to accounts. You represented quote, "Get $25 from INBOX DOLLARS for EACH deposit you make (up to 3) - that's $75 total! Note: To receive credit from InboxDollars you must deposit at least $50 on first deposits and $20 on additional deposits." That was the only thing that INBOXDOLLARS stated to complete that offer. It did not say anywhere that Titan Poker members do not get credit from INBOXDOLLARS or that you may not be eligible because you were a member of another gambling partner. It plainly stated an offer for first depositors specifically at Vegas Red Casino. I completed your offer as listed exactly on your site, and then had not been paid. When I requested payment, you initally asked about the deposits I had made (although I had expressly stated that in my first ticket). Once I had covered that, InboxDollars gives me new stipulations. You may have gotten away with ripping people off like this in the past, but eventually you are going to run into somebody who specializes in or is highly aware of their rights in such matters.

You may choose to hold Vegas Red accountable for this, but I am expecting payment from InboxDollars for my putting a significant amount of money into an offer that INBOXDOLLARS offered. Please note, "The FTC Act states that false advertising is a form of unfair and deceptive commerce." Very vague, as you can see. If you would like more information, my legal assistant or I can e-mail you more about this or you can contact your own legal advisor.

Please note, I have copied all of our correspondence on this and print-screened the page showing your requirements for the Vegas Red offer.

Also, $315 is a bit more important than those little offers such as eBay and others I've completed as aforementioned.

FINALLY, I am only going to tell you this once. Apparently, the people skimming over my other tickets were asking me questions with answers I had already provided. I suggest getting a manager or someone who can read carefully and pay good attention to oversee this ticket.


I see that I have sent quite a stumper. There has been no reply to my ticket for some time. The problem with my eBay offer is easy. I met the requirements for that and have just not been credited. It is seeming like InboxDollars doesn't want to pay out on any significant offers over $2. Hopefully this is not true. Anyway, regarding the Vegas Red Casino offer, I completed that offer as well, as it was listed on the offers page, and have not been compensated. If you just credit me the amount due me for completing the Vegas Red offer from your site, then everything is the way it should be and fulfilled; however, if InboxDollars chooses to refuse me and continue to now make stipulations that would not allow me to be compensated, then it would probably costs more for a legal consultation as it would be to just pay as originally owed and give credit where credit is due. This ticket is easy unless you make it difficult. This site offers money to complete their offers listed, so when clients complete offers, then they are due compensation. If you have not worked out the specifics beforehand with the company making the offer, then you must contact them to compensate you for your loss. It's as simple as fulfilling your responsibility to give credit where credit is due. Otherwise, it is you (InboxDollars) who is cheating your members.

Customer Support


I have simply stated the terms for offer crediting for the Vegas Offer. I asked in my reply above for you to send your Vegas Player #. Perhaps I have missed in in one of your replies above?

Please reply with your Vegas Player # so that I can send it on to our network provider for verification. At this point, we are not yet sure why you have not received the credit.

In the meantime, please read our terms of membership very carefully, specifically regarding Offer Completion and Offer Crediting.

Please reply with your Vegas Player #

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department


No, you didn't miss anything. You stated, "This offer will not issue a credit to anyone who has joined a Casino Partners casino (Casino Tropez, Casino DelRio, Vegas Red, Europa Casino, Titan Poker, Hammers Casino) before. If neither of the above apply, please reply to this ticket with your Vegas Player Number, and I will verify with them." One of the above did apply as I had previously stated (Titan Poker). I waited for your response to insure that this matter would be pursued further before I bothered with providing any more details.

Do not be offended that I normally have trouble with support from any site, asking me to provide information that I have already provided. It is a common thing nowadays with internet support to skim over tickets when they see so many a day. I simply wanted to state the importance of this matter to be read carefully. Nobody likes to say the same thing over, let alone type stuff that is still in view. Let's not make this an issue, though. There are more important things in question.

So, as plainly requested in your last reply, my Vegas Player # is VRR46741902.

I have already read the terms of membership. I specifically like Section II # 4 about false advertising. A lot of internet sites see their terms and conditions as a vaccine that will protect them from anything. That would be perfect. Anyway, I have read them. I understand that the payout of an offer may change and other meager differences. However, as shown above in my detailed reply, this is a very important matter, specifically when it comes to no compensation at all.

InboxDollars still has not posted that you are not eligible for the Vegas Red offer if you are a member of a Casino Partners casino. I have copied that. You told me this three days ago. The Terms state "There are times when Offer providers change the Terms of an Offer without notifying us." Now I know that InboxDollars has known about the Casino Partners stipulation for at least three days and it still has not been posted.

However, we might not have a problem with it anyway. Vegas Red will probably give me credit when you push them a bit since they gave me a bonus with my first deposit (but that had nothing to do with InboxDollars).

Thank you for your continued support. Let's see how it goes when you get my Vegas Player #.

Customer Support


I have forwarded your Player # on to our network provider for verification. You will receive another reply to this ticket when we hear back from them.

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department


Okay. the meantime, perhaps we can look at these other offers I completed and not received credit:
Ebay - you should already have all the information on that.
Eversave 7-30-06
Lightspeed panel 7-30-06
Survey Networks 7-30-06

Also, I have spoken with one of my referrals in Michigan who has requested payment. I have not received credit for that referral. Also, my "mailings read by direct referrals" have not changed for a quite a while. Last time I spoke with my referrals, they were still active with their InboxDollars e-mails, and it has stopped showing up on my account. So, considering this, I think there is a technical problem concerning my referrals. Please check on this for me. [This is the only thing that was resolved.]

Thanks much.

Customer Support


Please open a new ticket with the above reply. This ticket is in the verification process for Vegas Red. Please simply copy your above response and open a new ticket. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department


It has been since September 8th [I posted this one December 16th] since I have heard back from you and the network provider. Vegas Red is prohibiting US players from having cash accounts. Please resolve before they go out of business.

Customer Support


The network provider verified "This member registered through another advertiser.". Therefore, we will not be paid for this offer.

I'm sorry, but it is clearly stated in our terms of membership that we cannot pay you unless we are paid. Each offer listed on our site has their own terms of membership, which you agree to when you complete their offer. We do not know what their terms are exactly, or what they were when you completed the offer. This is between you and them. We simply stated the above, to help you determine perhaps why we were not credited.

If you have any questions about the terms of offers you are completing, please be sure to inquire with that Offer Provider directly.

Our Terms do clearly state that you cannot receive credit for an offer if you have completed it in the past, and cannot credit you unless we receive credit.

Can I complete a Cash Offer more than once?

I'm sorry, but we will not be receiving credit for this offer, and therefore cannot credit your account.

Best Regards,

Member Services Specialist
InboxDollars Member Services Department

Country: USA
  <     >  


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