All The Hot Kicks
Allthehotkicks ipoff scam never delivered

Internet & Web

My family is currently stationed overseas, my daughters had been looking for these particular type shoes. We came across the site "ALLTHEHOTKICKS".

My daughters found the shoes they had to have, therefore, we ordered them. At this time the site couldn't accept credit cards, so we sent them a money order on 15 October for the two pair of sneakers and the total came to $170.00. We sent it to the address given, and kept checking the site to see when the money was received.

By November 9 the site finally showed that the money was received. We browsed through the FAQ, and found out that the shoes would be shipped the next business day. We kept checking the site to see when the shoes would be shipped. We kept checking and checking week after week and the staus stayed the same.

It is now December and still nothing. We have sent emails inquries and finally I sent them a certified letter, copies of all email transmissions and a copy of the money order. I was glad I kept a copy of that.

I decided to do some research and find out more about this site and there it was, all these reports about this site being a rip-off. I filed a complaint with the BBB. My sister is an attorney and we will get our money back.

One thing to remember that I was told. When you ordered anything off the internet and get to the page where you enter you payment information, make sure that the address has "https", make sure that there is an "s" behind the acromnym "http". That means that the site is secure. If you go back to "allthehotkicks" and access the payment page, it doesn't have that "s", if I would have known that, I would have not sent them a dime!

Company: All The Hot Kicks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Shalimar
Address: PO BOX 117
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Stole $85.00 from me! - - ripoff $80.00 on Air Force Ones Ordered in January
Cashed my check and did not send my shoes—continue to take orders on their web site internet

Mislead me, deceived me And
Internet Scam Company Changed Names - Never Shipped Outstanding Order -Does Not Return Emails or Phonecalls - Scam Company Shalimar, Florida, Passaic, New Jersay -
Internet Scam Company Changed Names Never Shipped Outstanding Order Does Not Return Emails or Phonecalls - Scam Company

Popular Kicks
Ripoff i ordered shoes over a year ago, and have not received them yet internet i -
Ripoff, fraudulent billing never received order company changed phone number and name
I sent $95, they NEVER sent me what i ordered, and the site closed down after they received my payment

Total Kicks,
Total Kicks is NOT legitimate. Ordered shoes over internet, after 30 days no shoes and no refund. China-based